

We offer our Yoga Nook Northside retreats 1-2 times per year, typically in October/November and March/April. The titles of our retreats have been:

  • A Journey Home (Fall)

  • Bloom and Grow Retreat (Spring)

  • Transform Your Pain - Griefs Journey to Joy, Love, and Connection (Fall)

If you are interested in offering a group that you know/work with a retreat, we’d love to support you! Our retreats center on taking space for yourself, connecting back to your center, and learning ways to bring the calm back home with you. Our retreats typically include three wonderfully cooked vegetarian meals per day, yoga, meditation, free time, and any special type offering that may support the theme of your retreat. Some special items that we have offered during our retreats are art painting projects, sound bath meditations, reiki healing sessions, journaling sessions, creation of altars for loved ones lost, forest walks, dancing, and many others.

Prices will vary based on what you are looking for and pricing of the retreat center.

If you are interested in learning more and booking Email Charity today! or call 757-277-5205 and see what’s possible!